
阅读:100 日期:2025-01-02 10:20:54

01 每一滴熠熠生辉的凝结,都写满万物对四时爱得浓烈。

Each sparkling drop of condensation embodies the intense love of all things for the changing seasons.

02 若你从北疆来,可否分我一半秋?

If you come from the northern frontier, could you share half of your autumn with me?

03 秋水明净,秋韵正浓,白露盈盈,芦苇苍苍。
The autumn waters are clear and bright, the autumn charm is at its peak, White Dew glistens, and the reeds are lush and gray.

04 凉风有信朝露降,知是寒蝉与月唱。
The cool breeze brings the morning dew, signaling the song of the cold cicadas and the moon.

05 南方金风去暑,炎威渐退。
In the south, the golden wind dispels the heat, and the scorching summer gradually fades away.

06 秋风凉,雁南飞,入夜水成露。
The autumn wind brings chill, the wild geese fly south, and as night falls, water turns into dew.

07 凉意虽至,热爱未减。
Though the chill has arrived, our passion remains undiminished.

08 每一滴熠熠生辉的凝结,都写满万物对四时爱得浓烈
(This is a repetition, but for completeness) Each sparkling drop of condensation embodies the intense love of all things for the changing seasons.

09 被露水打湿的时光,一如既往的温柔
The time dampened by dew remains as gentle as ever.

10 是跨越四季的心有所属,秋凉晚风般沁人心扉
It's a heartfelt belonging that transcends the four seasons, like the refreshing chill of an autumn evening breeze that permeates one's heart.
