
阅读:100 日期:2024-09-28 10:22:11

没什么大彻大悟, 无非是步步错 ,步步悟。

There's no great enlightenment. It's just that every step is a mistake and every step brings realization.

及时止损 ,三观合不来立马分开 ,别耗着。

适当的与自己和解 ,别灰心 ,慢慢来吧, 一切都会好的, 你又不差。


You can influence my mood. Why can't you just make me happy?


烦躁的时候不要说话, 也不要做决定 ,安静的待会儿 ,你已经长大了, 一些难过的情绪 要学会自己消化。

很多事情不尽我意,所以 ,没关系 ,尽力就好了。

Many things don't go my way. So, it's okay. Just do your best.

没必要让所有人都喜欢你, 也没必要跟所有人都处好关系。


In fact, in the end, any relationship is just an acquaintance.

真正折磨你的 ,不是任何人的绝情 ,而是你心存幻想的期待。


Mindless belittling and criticism don't work on me. I don't think I'm bad at all.

命运给我们的都是在教会我们成长, 或许我们经历的比别人多些罢了。

自己的情绪 还是得自己去消化 ,成长始终是一个人的事。

One's own emotions still have to be digested by oneself. Growth is always a personal matter.


万般皆苦,唯有自度。不用理解, 各有各的路。

Everything is bitter, and only oneself can save oneself. There's no need to understand. Each has their own path.

或许短暂 ,或许难堪 ,或许本该这样,现在状态 :风吹哪页 ,读哪页。


Digesting all kinds of emotions by yourself is your life.

未来的日子还长 ,请保持好心态。

The days ahead are still long. Please keep a good attitude.

明明自己委屈,却又是什么都说不出来,想争辩, 发现犯错的人比你还有理。

成年人的烦恼和谁说都好像不适合,闷在心里怕自己憋出病来,唯有自渡自愈, 把自己渡明白了就什么都通了。